Orlando Documentary
Family Photographer

You’re in the trenches.

Holding the baby in one hand with a toddler clinging to your leg

while you’re making another meal/snack/drink.

Orlando Documentary
Family Photographer

You’re in the trenches.

Holding the baby in one hand with a toddler clinging to your leg

while you’re making another meal/snack/drink.

I totally see you. 

There is deep value in what you do every day. Your hard work, your huge heart filled with love, your commitment to yourself & family. 

I totally see you. 

There is deep value in what you do every day. Your hard work, your huge heart filled with love, your commitment to yourself & family. 

This is your legacy of motherhood.

The sleepless nights, the planning, the worrying, the more planning… The hugs that turn into painful jabs when their head slams into you. 

You melt at a wet kiss from your toddler and drink in the smell of freshly shampooed hair. Your body finally calms down when your little ones’ soft skin snuggles against you in a delicious quiet moment. 

These are real pieces of motherhood. Parts we love & parts we don’t.

It’s time we start honoring it all. 

REAL motherhood deserves to be SEEN

REAL motherhood deserves to be SEEN

We water down the legacy of motherhood when we only remember the holiday traditions or the day the house was clean or the day we get dressed up. 

Your daily existence is worthy.

More than all the perfect stories you see on social media. It’s the in between moments you’ll want to look back and relive. 

We water down the legacy of motherhood when we only remember the holiday traditions or the day the house was clean or the day we get dressed up. 

Your daily existence is worthy.

More than all the perfect stories you see on social media. It’s the in between moments you’ll want to look back and relive. 

As a documentary family photographer, I am hanging out with you, noticing all the small details and moments that happen each day. 

You don’t need to pose or think about how you look. 

This is your real and beautiful life, and you want to see all of it. 

Not a sanitized version of it. 



How does it work?


We get on the phone to get to know each other a bit. We talk about your family, my creative process & what a session would look like for you.

If everything feels like a good fit, we set a date!

The week before your session, I love to have a zoom meet-and-greet with your family so I can get to know the kids before the day of the session & answer any last minute questions.

The Day

We finally get to hang out! I’ll document what makes your family unique while I schmooze with the kids and we talk about everything under the sun (but honestly probably mostly about parenting.)

One of my favorite things about this job is getting to know your family in real life.


Around two weeks later I’ll have the final touches complete on your family story. I will show you your slideshow of the session highlights.

You will laugh, cry and feel seen. Then you’ll choose your fav photographs to be included in your heirloom album (aka your family yearbook).

In 2-3 weeks your family yearbook with your legacy in images will arrive at your home wrapped with so much love from me!


Let me show you these moments. Expose you for what you are.

A mother

The rock of the family


A hero

A beautiful goddess in a wrinkly shirt with third day unwashed hair

A selfless human who gave up a part of herself, even if it’s temporarily, to make home for her loved ones. 

Your story

In your regular day, there are so many special things you do that highlight what you and your family is all about. Do you want to remember those moments during bedtime, maybe lazy Sunday mornings, the beach trip you always take or maybe a special activity you do together?

A Peek Into Your life

$675 session fee
  • Dip your toes into the documentary family session experience.
  • 3 hours

Half Day

$975 session fee
  • Time for everyone to be really comfortable and relaxed while photographing a big chunk of your day
  • 6 hours

Full day

$1950 session fee
  • Every last juicy detail is covered. From good morning to good night. A full day session captures everyone's quirks, personalities, moments and delicious overview of your day.
  • 12 hours

Session fee includes my time and talent for the session duration and editing.

Products and digital images are not included.

Client investment on heirloom products after viewing the slideshow typically begins at $675.

Images should live on your walls, shelves and everywhere else you can find to plaster them so that they can be touched, seen, felt on the daily. 

What Clients Are Saying

What Clients Are Saying

I’m Libby. 

I started photographing my daughter when she was a toddler. The posed portraits just weren’t enough for me.

Kids are interesting and do the strangest things. 

I didn’t only want to remember her with a gorgeous outfit and perfect smile.

I started documenting when she had a tantrum, excersized with my husband, or mimicked something that adults did. I found these moments to be so much more interesting. 

I’m totally drawn to documenting the times when kids are doing something extra weird as much as when it’s super regular thing they’ve done a million times.


Photo by www.blimiet.com

I do not…

-pose or direct anyone.

-curate images so that they look like your life with a shiny coat of paint.

-tell your kids to stop doing something or direct them to hug you

-care if your parenting is perfect (mine isn’t either)

-care if your house is clean or if your hair is done.

-I’m always thinking about what I will want to remember in five years, 20 years, 50 years. 

Yes, I’m morbid like that.

But I don’t want to be that old lady who forgets everything except the pretty parts.

Looking for something lighter?

I drink enough water that it’s a shock I don’t have gills.

Yoga and lifting weights are my current workouts unless I’m sitting in my bed.

Before professional photography I was a special education teacher (this background helps me sooooo much when photographing families with kiddos who have special needs).

Looking for something lighter?

I drink enough water that it’s a shock I don’t have gills.

Yoga and lifting weights are my current workouts unless I’m sitting in my bed.

Before professional photography I was a special education teacher (this background helps me sooooo much when photographing families with kiddos who have special needs).


Frequently asked questions

Hahhaa!! Mine too. I know what it’s like to live with people who think the floor is their personal garbage can. And how tiring it is to clean up all day to turn around and see that it’s a mess AGAIN. This is the stage you are at and that’s ok. One day, the house will be quiet and clean when the kids are gone, but for now, the house is a mess, but you are not. 

Nope. Humans aren’t boring at all, they’re actually very interesting. Good news is, you don’t have to worry about what to do during the session or think how boring you are, I gotcha girl! I see your life through MY eyes and will show you how amazing you and your family are.

I’m human, you’re human too. The kids are human too. We’re all imperfect. I always expect kids will be kids. That means sometimes they lose it over a ewy looking aka overripe banana or instead of using their words, they smack their sister. Documentary sessions are actually great for this because there’s magic in those miserable fits when you look back at them. I always expect kids to get frustrated at times. I even expect parents to get impatient. We all do at times. If everybody loses it at one point I’ll be sympathizing with you. Being a mother is not easy. We all have those times.

That’s a little voice in your head saying that.  You are gorgeous in your messy bun, stained leggings and questionable shower status. You should be in pictures with your family and not look back and see that you didn’t exist in your albums. It’s not only your husband who has fun with the kids, you do great stuff with them too. Get that documented asap.

Let's get cozy

Join my email list for a monthly email where I share more personal things, tips and tricks, weird random stuff, parenting stuff and deals on sessions. 

Email: info@libzphotography.com
Orlando, Florida